About Us 1


Experience A Better Way To Build.

Providing products regarding industrial water treatment, boiler water treatment, cooling water treatment, industrial coolant, chilled water treatment, wastewater treatment chemicals, effluent water treatment (HVACR), fuel oil treatment, etc.

ACCEPTA’s Descaling Services following as:

Boiler (all types including steam generators), Cooling Tower, Chillers, Charge Air Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Turbines, Metalizer Machine, Air Evaporator, AHU, Compressor, Pressing Plates& Radiators, etc.

ACCEPTA’s Mechanical Works following under as:

Fabrication, Erection of Steel Structures, Installation, Testing Commissions, Operation & Maintenance of Chillers Cooling Tower, AHU, Boilers, Radiators, etc

People Aks These Question Over And Over Again

Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals, Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemicals, Chilled Water Treatment Chemicals, Condensate line Water Treatment Chemicals & R.O Water Treatment Chemicals.

Boiler (all type including steam generator) Cooling Tower, Chillers, Charge Air Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Air Evaporator, AHU, Pressing Plates & Radiators etc.

Fabrication, Erection of Steel Structures, Installation, Testing Commissions, Operation & Maintenance of Chillers Cooling Tower, AHU, Boilers, Radiators etc

Easy Way To Collaborate
Our Company

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes

Boiler Water Treatment 92%
Cooling Water Treatment 85%
Desecaling Water Treatment 92%


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    Plot No. 356, Survey No.302, Near Jinnah Avenue, Karachi

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    CH. Hameed Raza Thathyala Director Technical (Specialist IWTC)

    Accepta strives to become the global provider of choice of sustainable intelligent water treatment, modification of machinery and energy management solutions .Our team work with client very cooperative .Accepta commits to a sustainable Environment through providing effective water treatment management solution treatment ,system,Environmently, friendly technologies and alternative water treatment solution to reconcile the ever growing demand for water treatment and its handling natural resources. We provide the best solution of water treatment and other allied works base on energy saving. We trained our client staff for control better water treatment and other allied works. Thanks for trust our company.

    Muhammad Ramzan Khan Director Sales & Marketing

    We lead with integrity refined expertise and creativity booth and individual within an organization and as an operating in local and global markets .We believe in, and incorge team work, as it creates a sustainable flow of information and knowledge sharing that helps benchmark our work, enables us to better our performance and leverage our collective knowhow and refined skills. Our passion and believe in what we do, complement this spirit and takes us that extra mile that help accepta stand out, farther, from its competitors. Our quality, Quantity and competitive price of our consultancy, products and other allied works as well as international market value.